Coques d'épaules

Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Nord Lining.png
Dreugh Wax.png

Rawhide Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Rawhide.png
1 38 143 185 248 311 Rawhide
4 101 206 248 311 374 Rawhide
6 143 248 290 353 416 Rawhide
8 185 290 332 395 458 Rawhide
10 227 332 374 437 500 Rawhide
12 269 374 416 479 542 10 Rawhide
14 311 416 458 521 584 11 Rawhide

Hide Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Hide.png
16 353 458 500 563 626 Hide
18 395 500 542 605 668 Hide
20 437 542 584 647 710 Hide
22 479 584 626 689 752 Hide
24 521 626 668 731 794 10 Hide

Leather Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
26 563 668 710 773 836 Leather
28 605 710 752 815 878 Leather
30 647 752 794 857 920 Leather
32 689 794 836 899 962 10 Leather
34 731 836 878 941 1004 11 Leather

Full-Leather Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
36 773 878 920 983 1046 Thick Leather
38 815 920 962 1025 1088 Thick Leather
40 857 962 1004 1067 1130 10 Thick Leather
42 899 1004 1046 1109 1172 11 Thick Leather
44 941 1046 1088 1151 1214 12 Thick Leather

Fell Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
46 983 1088 1130 1193 1256 Fell Hide
48 1025 1130 1172 1235 1298 10 Fell Hide
50 1067 1172 1214 1277 1340 11 Fell Hide

Brigadine Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
CP10 1130 1172 1256 1319 1361 10 Topgrain Hide
CP20 1172 1214 1298 1361 1403 11 Topgrain Hide
CP30 1193 1235 1319 1382 1424 12 Topgrain Hide

Ironhide Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
CP40 1235 1277 1361 1424 1466 11 Iron Hide
CP50 1256 1298 1382 1445 1487 12 Iron Hide
CP60 1298 1340 1424 1487 1529 13 Iron Hide

Superb Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
CP70 1319 1361 1445 1508 1550 12 Superb Hide
CP80 1361 1403 1487 1550 1592 13 Superb Hide

Shadowhide Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
CP90 1382 1424 1508 1571 1613 13 Shadowhide
CP100 1424 1466 1550 1613 1655 14 Shadowhide
CP110 1445 1487 1571 1634 1676 15 Shadowhide
CP120 1487 1529 1613 1676 1718 16 Shadowhide
CP130 1508 1550 1634 1697 1739 17 Shadowhide
CP140 1550 1592 1676 1739 1781 18 Shadowhide

Rubedo Leather Arm Cops

Imperial Arm Cops Thick Leather.png
CP150 1571 1613 1697 1739 1802 13 Rubedo Leather
CP160 1592 1634 1718 1781 1823 130 Rubedo Leather

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