
Name & Icon
Level of Item
Armor Value
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Greaves

Iron Greaves Imperial.png
1 45 185 241 325 409 Iron Ingots
4 129 269 325 409 493 Iron Ingots
6 185 325 381 465 549 Iron Ingots
8 241 381 437 521 605 Iron Ingots
10 297 437 493 577 661 10 Iron Ingots
12 353 493 549 633 717 11 Iron Ingots
14 409 549 605 689 773 12 Iron Ingots

Steel Greaves

Steel Greaves Imperial.png
16 465 605 661 745 829 Steel Ingots
18 521 661 717 801 885 Steel Ingots
20 577 717 773 857 941 Steel Ingots
22 633 773 829 913 997 10 Steel Ingots
24 689 829 885 969 1053 11 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Greaves

Orichalc-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
26 745 885 941 1025 1109 Orichalc Ingots
28 801 941 997 1081 1165 Orichalc Ingots
30 857 997 1053 1137 1221 10 Orichalc Ingots
32 913 1053 1109 1193 1277 11 Orichalc Ingots
34 969 1109 1165 1249 1333 12 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
36 1025 1165 1221 1305 1389 Dwarven Ingots
38 1081 1221 1277 1361 1445 10 Dwarven Ingots
40 1137 1277 1333 1417 1501 11 Dwarven Ingots
42 1193 1333 1389 1473 1557 12 Dwarven Ingots
44 1249 1389 1445 1529 1613 13 Dwarven Ingots

Ebon Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
46 1305 1445 1501 1585 1669 10 Ebony Ingots
48 1361 1501 1557 1641 1725 11 Ebony Ingots
50 1417 1557 1613 1697 1781 12 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP10 1501 1557 1669 1753 1809 11 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 1557 1613 1725 1809 1865 12 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 1585 1641 1753 1837 1893 13 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP40 1641 1697 1809 1893 1949 12 Galatite Ingots
CP50 1669 1725 1837 1921 1977 13 Galatite Ingots
CP60 1725 1781 1893 1977 2033 14 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP70 1753 1809 1921 2005 2061 13 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 1809 1865 1977 2061 2117 14 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP90 1837 1893 2005 2089 2145 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 1893 1949 2061 2145 2201 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 1921 1977 2089 2173 2229 16 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 1977 2033 2145 2229 2285 17 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 2005 2061 2173 2257 2313 18 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 2061 2117 2229 2313 2369 19 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Greaves

Dwarven-Steel Greaves Imperial.png
CP150 2089 2145 2257 2313 2397 14 Rubedite Ingot
CP160 2117 2173 2285 2369 2425 140 Rubedite Ingot

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