
Nom & Icône Description Fabriqué depuis


  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Jute brut

Raw Jute.png
Used to make Homespun Armor
(Light Armor Levels 1-14)

Peau brute

  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing


Rawhide Scraps.png
Used to make Rawhide Armor
(Medium Armor Levels 1-14)


  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lin brut

Raw Flax.png
Used to make Linen Armor
(Light Armor Levels 16-24)


  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de peau

Hide and Topgrain Hide Scraps.png
Used to make Hide Armor 
(Medium Armor Levels 16-24)


  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Coton brut

Raw Cotton.png
Used to make Cotton Armor
(Light Armor Levels 26-34)


Leather and Thick Leather.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de cuir

Leather and Thick Leather Scraps.png
Used to make Leather Armor
(Medium Armor Levels 26-34)

Soie d'araignée

  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Soie d'araignée brute

Raw Spidersilk.png
Used to make Spidersilk Armor
(Light Armor Levels 36-44)

Cuir épais

Leather and Thick Leather.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de cuir épais

Leather and Thick Leather Scraps.png
Used to make Full-Leather Armor
(Medium Armor Levels 36-44)

Fil d'ébonite

  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Fil d'ébonite brut

Raw Ebonthread.png
Used to make Ebonthread Armor
(Light Armor Levels 46-50)

Peau impie

Topgrain Hide.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de peau impie

Hide and Topgrain Hide Scraps.png
Used to make Fell Armor
(Medium Armor Levels 46-50)

Fibre de Kresh

  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Herbe de kresh brute

Raw Famin.png
Used to make Kresh Armor
(Light Armor Champion 10-30)

Peau de qualité

Fell Hide.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de peau de qualité

Fell Hide Scraps.png
Used to make Brigadine Armor
(Medium Armor Champion 10-30)

Fil de fer

  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Herbe de fer brute

Used to make Ironthread Armor
(Light Armor Champion 40-60)

Peau de fer

Iron Hide.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de peau de fer

Iron Hide Scraps.png
Used to make Ironhide Armor
(Medium Armor Champion 40-60)

Fil d'argent

  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Herbe d'argent brute

Saint's Hair.png
Used to make Silverweave Armor
(Light Armor Champion 70-80)

Peau superbe

Scaled Hide.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de peau superbe

Scaled Hide Scraps.png
Used to make Superb Armor
(Medium Armor Champion 70-80)

Tissu de vide

Champion oid Cloth.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Fleur du vide brute

Champion oid Bloom.png
Used to make Shadowspun Armor
(Light Armor Champion 90-140)

Peau d'ombre

Daedra Hide.png
  • An Ingredient for crafting Clothing

Lanières de peau d'ombre

Daedra Hide Scraps.png
Used to make Shadowhide Armor
(Medium Armor Champion 90-140)

Soie ancestrale

  • Used to create Light Armor of Champion 150 to Champion 160.

Soie ancestrale brute

Used to make Ancient Silk Armor
(Light Armor Champion 150-160)

Cuir pourpre

  • Used to create Medium Armor of Champion 150 to Champion 160.

Lanières de cuir pourpre

rubedo hide scraps.png
Used to make Rubedo Leather Armor
(Medium Armor Champion 150-160)

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